High Perfomance Sales Recruiting!

Exclusively Serving The Following Industries With Sales & Sales Leadership:

Electrical & Electronic Components

Industrial Automation

Connecting Manufacturers, Distributors, Manufacturer Rep Firms and System Integrators to Proven Sales Performers & Proven Sales Leaders

Hiring a technical Salesperson or Sales Leader?

Searching for a salesperson or sales leader who:


  • has an in-depth technical understanding of your exact product offerings or, at the bare minimum, an understanding of products complementary to yours?
  • has a proven track record of exceeding quotas and growing revenues?
  • brings a list of contacts with them that are in your target market?

Because these are the types of candidates we have a relationship with!

Example Recruiting’s 4 Step Process To Hire The Top 15% Of Salespeople & Sales Leaders In The US

Deep Dive

Recruiting 2.0

A proprietary discovery process that gets to the depths of your company’s exact needs



Employer & Role Narrative

A narrative formed around your company and role that hits on a candidate’s drivers and pain points



Research & Qualification

An extensive and exhaustive recruitment process to unearth & qualify top-performing candidates



Interviewing & Retention

A consultative partner during the interviewing process & an extension of your HR team after they’re hired